Realizing My Greatest Weakness

Recently, I had an interview for a very competitive internship. I’m going to say now: I didn’t get it, but I think I came close. Anyway, when I found out that I had made it to the interview stage, I started to panic. I hadn’t had a job interview in almost a year! What do I expect?! How can I prepare in just a few hours!? As so many of us do in our time of need, I turned to Google. I found some sample questions, and thought of how I would respond to them.

One of the questions that popped up was “what is your greatest weakness?” At the time, I had no idea how I would answer that question. It’s a good thing that didn’t come up in the interview, because I don’t know how I would have answered if it had. Now that I’ve found out that I didn’t get the internship, I can answer with the utmost confidence that my greatest weakness is that I take on too much, say yes to everything, and sometimes I find myself with too much on my plate (both figuratively and literally, to be honest).

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